The blog linked out to above details out the steps clearly with great photos. I highly recommend heading over there to try them out yourselves - pictures of mine are below!
Here's what you'll need:
- white
, black, and colored
oven bake clay (a few ounces of colored clay and the 1.75 pound white clay will make you several dishes!)
- X-Acto knife or plastic clay knife
- small bowl or baking ramekin that is oven safe
- gold liquid gilding and small paintbrush
- rolling pin or large round jar
- large can or jar to trace around
- glaze to seal dish (optional)
Coming up... Brandon got me a 3-month subscription to For The Makers that I'll be getting in mid-January, which brings handmade materials and DIY projects to your doorstep. I. CANNOT. WAIT. Each box comes with four different DIY projects under a single thematic (past thematics are Stargazer, Heavy Metals, Honey Nectar, Soft Focus). I'm super pumped to get my first box and show the projects and final results here on the blog.
Happy DIYing!